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Medical Analytics











Medical Analytics: Uncover value. Expand market opportunities.

We help uncover value – the important advantages and perspectives that are only ­by researching, compiling and quantifying market and peer-reviewed data.

With L3 Medical Analytics, we can gather the necessary market intel and generate health economic models that provide invaluable insight into your market and your product or service.

We’ll help answer these questions:

  • What is the value of my product? (how do I determine the value of my product)
  • What price will the market bear? (how do I set product pricing)
  • What benefits can we provide? (what do my customers)
  • What is the impact of implementing my product?
  • How does my product improve current care?
  • Who is my target audience?
  • In which market will we have the greatest opportunity?
  • How quickly will customers adopt?

L3 Medical Analytics services include:

  • Market research. Assess and guide market opportunity, company and product strategy, product design, resource allocation, market requirements, and sales targeting.
  • Evidence-based healthcare models. Objective tools based on peer-reviewed literature that help quantify the impact of your product or service compared to status quo or other competitors.

For additional details on our many services, please contact us.

 Value of health economic modeling:

  • Assess the impact of product performance on clinical value
  • Identify clinical, economic and operational advantages
  • Identify competitive advantages that enhance product positioning
  • Uncover and enhance value propositions
  • Establish and validate pricing strategies based on comparable systems while factoring in the cost benefits to the healthcare system
  • Establish or refine customer targeting, sales and other resource allocation
  • Target high value and high probability opportunities
  • Expedite the sales process
  • Increase credibility with your customers by ensuring there are meaningful exchanges and additional evidence that support product adoption

I Will Use L3 Healthcare Again

We were referred to L3 Healthcare by a friend and were pleasantly surprised by how amazing they were. We are a small start-up company and our budget is somewhat limited but Stacey with L3 found a way to make it work for us. It means the world that she was able to find a number that we could both work with and this will definitely be a long-term relationship because of that. The customer care, quality of work, and efficiency of delivery are all reasons why I will use L3 Healthcare again.

Phene Wardlaw Unity Beverage

High Quality Clinical Tools

L3 provided high quality educational and promotional tools for our target clinical audience. Read More>>

Scott Mader President & CEO, Clindevor 360